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Credit Repair

Why You Should Never Pay to "Rent" a Tradeline


Why You Should Never Pay to "Rent" a Tradeline

The desire to earn better credit is not only understandable, it is also incredibly smart. The condition of your credit will have a big influence over your financial life. Want to purchase a home or vehicle? Your 3 credit reports and scores play a big role in your ability to qualify for a loan and help determine the rate you will be offered if you are approved. Applying for a new job or promotion? Your credit reports might play a role again. In fact, the condition of your credit could be considered whenever you take out insurance coverage, open a new mobile phone account, and in many more situations than you probably ever believed possible.

Hopefully you already understand the importance of earning good credit and you are working to try to repair the damage from any past credit problems you may have encountered. Yet the truth is that the road back to healthier credit is not always a quick journey. You can certainly do things to help speed the process along such as establishing new, positive accounts and perhaps working with a reputable credit repair professional. Even so, it may require a little patience and discipline on your part before you can expect to earn good credit again.

Tradeline Rentals

Because credit is so important and because improving your credit can sometimes be a slow and tedious process (especially if you are working to repair your credit on your own), you may find yourself tempted to take a few shortcuts along the way. The temptation is understandable, but taking shortcuts to try to improve your credit can actually be quite dangerous. One such shortcut which you should avoid at all costs is known as tradeline renting.

There is no question that being added onto someone else's credit card account as an authorized user has the potential to help your credit scores. If a loved one adds you onto an existing, well managed credit card account (no late payments, low or $0 balance) the impact upon your personal credit scores might be very positive once the account shows up on your credit reports. If the account has been opened for a while (aka it is "seasoned") and if the credit limit on the account is high then the positive credit score impact may be even more significant.

There is certainly nothing wrong with being added as an authorized user onto a credit card belonging to a friend or family member. As already mentioned, the authorized user strategy can potentially be a very effective step toward building or rebuilding your credit. If you are considering gaming the system by renting or "piggyback" on a stranger's credit card account as an authorized user, however, you could possibly find yourself in hot water, legally speaking.

The tradeline renting scam comes in a few different flavors. Typically it is a service which is facilitated by a broker or a middle man who, for a sizeable fee, will connect you with a stranger who has older or seasoned credit card accounts which are in good standing. Once you pay your fee, the stranger adds you onto their credit card account as an authorized user. The middle man pays the stranger with good credit a small portion of the fee collected from you and then puts the remainder in his own pocket.

It is arguable whether or not the practice itself of paying a stranger to add you as an authorized user is illegal. However, if you apply for any new loans after paying to be added to a stranger's credit card account then there is no question that you could run the risk of being charged with bank fraud. Plus if you applied for your new loan over the phone or via mail, you may risk being charged with mail fraud or wire fraud as well.

Additionally, FICO's newer credit scoring systems have logic designed to detect piggybacking scams. As a result, even if you pay to be added onto a stranger's account, you might receive no benefit from the tradeline whenever a lender pulls your credit scores. With so many legitimate means of repairing poor credit, it simply is not worth the risk of renting a tradeline in an attempt to speed up the process.

CLICK HERE to schedule a no-obligation credit analysis with a HOPE4USA credit expert and discover legitimate ways to work toward repairing your credit problems.


Michelle Black is an author and a credit expert with nearly 2 decades of experience, the credit blogger at, a recognized credit expert on talk shows and podcasts nationwide, and a regularly featured speaker at seminars on various credit and financial topics. She is an expert on improving credit scores, credit reporting, correcting credit errors, budgeting, and recovering from identity theft.


Credit Scams You Should Avoid


Credit Scams You Should Avoid

Poor credit can lead to a lot of painful and embarrassing moments. If you are currently struggling with credit problems then you already know just how miserable bad credit can be. Credit problems can make it difficult to secure a place to live, to finance a vehicle, to qualify for a credit card or loan, and even to do something as simple as opening a new utility account without a sizable deposit.

Unfortunately, scammers are very aware that bad credit makes life hard too. They know that many consumers are absolutely desperate to change their credit situations and they eagerly try to prey upon this desperation. Thankfully, you can help to protect yourself from these con artists by learning a little more about some of the most common credit scams you need to avoid.

The New Credit Identity Scam

One of the most popular credit scams involves the practice of paying someone to create a "new" credit identity for you. On the surface, it is understandable why the idea of a fresh start might sound attractive to you. Unfortunately, what a scammer will not tell you is that by using a "new" identity you could actually be guilty of committing a number of different crimes.

The new credit identity scam, also known as file segregation, typically involves a few steps. First a fraudulent company, likely pretending to be a credit repair outfit, will offer to sell you a new credit identity number (typically an EIN number or a CPN number) which you can use in place of your social security number on future credit applications. By using this alternative number you will be creating a separate or segregated credit file with each of the credit bureaus which will supposedly replace your old, damaged credit files. Yet not only is this file segregation scheme typically illegal, it can also be expensive and ineffective.

Fees for new credit identity services often run into the thousands of dollars, although the scammer will probably try to argue that the fee is a small price to pay for an instant fix to all of your credit woes. Be careful not to be fooled by such tactics.

Additionally, when you use an EIN or CPN number in place of your social security number on a credit application you are likely guilty of bank fraud. If you submitted a fraudulent application over the phone, online, or via mail then you might be guilty of wire fraud or mail fraud as well. Furthermore, that EIN or CPN number you thought you were purchasing could actually be a real social security number which has been stolen from someone else. (Are you really surprised that your friendly neighborhood scammer might be an identity thief as well?) If you use someone else's social security number on a credit application then you might just be guilty of committing identity theft yourself.

The Tradeline Rental Scam

Piggybacking is a term which refers to the process of being added to someone else's existing credit card account as an authorized user. Becoming an authorized user on someone else's credit card account can sometimes be a wise part of your overall credit improvement strategy. If you are added onto an older, well managed credit card account it certainly has the potential to help improve your credit scores when (and if) that positive account shows up on your credit reports. However, the authorized user strategy is only really safe and effective when done with someone whom you know personally.

Tradeline renting describes the process of paying to piggyback on a stranger's credit card account in an attempt to trick the credit scoring system. Typically you pay a middle man (most likely a sizable fee) who will then act as an agent to connect you with someone who is willing to add you onto their account as an authorized user. The bad news if you fall for the tradeline renting scam is that you could be guilty of bank fraud and a number of other associated crimes as well. To add insult to injury, newer versions of FICO's credit scoring models have been designed with logic that helps to detect fraudulent tradeline renting. So, not only can tradeline renting be expensive and illegal, there is a chance that it might not even work. 

Legitimate Credit Help

Although you should be careful not to fall for credit scams, the good news is that there are legitimate credit repair professionals who may be able to help you with your credit problems. Remember, a trustworthy credit repair company will never ask you to change your identity, rent a tradeline from a stranger, or to pay upfront fees for services.

CLICK HERE or call 704-499-9696 to schedule a no-obligation credit analysis with a HOPE4USA credit expert today.


Michelle Black is an author and leading credit expert with a decade and a half of experience, a recognized credit expert on talk shows and podcasts nationwide, and a regularly featured speaker at seminars across the country. She is an expert on improving credit scores, budgeting, and identity theft. You can connect with Michelle on the HOPE4USA Facebook page by clicking here.


Why Doing "Nothing" Can Do So Much Harm to Your Credit


Why Doing "Nothing" Can Do So Much Harm to Your Credit

Ignorance is bliss...or so the saying goes. However, when it comes to your credit reports and scores being ignorant can be a truly horrible strategy which can have some seriously negative consequences as well. People generally ignore their credit for one of two reasons. First, many consumers with good credit assume that everything on their credit reports is fine and do not even bother to check their reports until their next loan application. The second most common reason why consumers ignore their credit is due to the fact that it is so bad that they feel overwhelmed and powerless to change their credit situation. Regardless of the reason, ignoring your credit is a really bad idea.

Why Consumers with Good Credit Need Still Need to Pay Attention

If you always pay your bills on time and maintain very low or even $0 balances on your credit cards then odds are high that your credit scores are probably in pretty good shape. The truth is that you have the right to expect your credit reports to contain accurate information. However, the reality of how the credit scoring system works is that mistakes on credit reports happen. In fact the Federal Trade Commission released a study in 2013 which proposes that there were around 40 million mistakes on the credit reports of US consumers. Although the Fair Credit Reporting Act does give you the right to expect accurate credit reports, errors still occur every single day. What you may not realize is that the responsibility to make sure you credit reports remain error free lands squarely on your own 2 shoulders.

Credit reporting errors can range from insignificant with little to no credit score impact to all the way on the opposite side of the spectrum where the wrong credit reporting error can wreak utter havoc upon your credit scores. Thankfully, there are several options which make it extremely easy for you to keep a close eye on your credit reports in order to ensure that they remain accurate.

Option 1: In 2003, thanks to the FACTA amendment to the Fair Credit Reporting Act, consumers were given the right to access all three of their credit reports completely free of charge once every 12 months. To access these free credit reports you simply need to visit (Not-so-fun-fact: an average of only 4% of these available free reports are actually claimed by consumers annually.)

Option 2: If you are wise enough to understand the importance of keeping a close eye on your credit reports then you will also realize that checking your credit reports once a year is not going to be often enough. The good news is that there are many free options available to access and review your credit reports throughout the year - though this option can be a bit time consuming due to the fact that truly free reports can generally only be accessed one credit bureau at a time.

Option 3: Finally, there are also several affordable fee based credit monitoring services which will allow you to check an monitor all 3 of your credit reports and scores simultaneously and easily.

Why Consumers with Bad Credit Still Need to Pay Attention

There is no question that credit problems can feel overwhelming and insurmountable. When faced with credit problems the desire to stick your head in the sand and ignore them can be very tempting. Unfortunately, ignoring credit problems does not make them go away but only keeps you stuck in the same bad situation for longer than necessary.

Whether you choose to work on resolving credit issues yourself or to seek professional assistance with your credit problems you should make the decision to do something. No matter how bad your credit reports are currently - even if you are one day out of a freshly discharged bankruptcy - there are always steps which you can take to begin moving your credit back in the right direction.

CLICK HERE to schedule a no-obligation credit analysis with a HOPE4USA credit expert to learn how to improve your credit reports and what HOPE4USA can do to help.

CLICK HERE to download our free credit repair toolkit - no strings attached. 


About the author: Ron Lambright has been a credit expert for over 14 years and is the Executive Director of HOPE4USA - a company he helped to found after struggling to overcome personal credit issues on his own twice before. He is a regular guest on radio talk shows and is featured weekly as the premier credit expert at training seminars in the Charlotte, NC region and up and down the East Coast.  Ron is an expert on teaching consumers how to achieve  "loan ready" credit reports, improving credit scores, and an expert in the fields of business financing and business credit as well. You can connect with Ron on Facebook page by clicking here.
