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Why Do the Credit Scores I Pull Look Different Than the Ones My Lender Pulls?


Why Do the Credit Scores I Pull Look Different Than the Ones My Lender Pulls?

“Help! I’m really confused! I got all 3 of my credit scores online last week and they looked really good. Today I applied for a mortgage and the scores the lender pulled look totally different. All 3 scores are about 50 points lower than the scores I saw online. Thankfully, my scores were still high enough to get a mortgage loan, but why are the scores so much lower today?”

In the credit world there are few things which frustrate and upset consumers more than discovering the sometimes vast difference between consumer credit scores and the credit scores used by lenders. Popular TV commercials for credit monitoring websites often confuse consumers and lead them to believe that they have only one credit score. However, the truth is that there are actually hundreds of different types of credit scores. The idea that you have one "official" credit scores is a complete myth.

Consumer Scores Vs. Lender Scores

While there are hundreds of credit scores available, most of these scores can be boiled down into one of 2 categories - consumer scores or lender scores. (Insurance companies often use credit based insurance risk scores as well, but for the purpose of this article those scores will fall into the "lender" category as well.) Consumer scores are scores that are accessible to you individually. You can purchase these scores from the credit bureaus directly, from FICO directly, or from a host of consumer credit monitoring websites. Some websites will offer you free credit scores in exchange for signing up for a trial offer of their credit monitoring services. Other websites will offer you a free score from 1 of the 3 major credit bureaus (not all 3) in exchange for your email address and the right to advertise financial services to you. CLICK HERE if you would like to compare websites where you can access your 3 consumer credit scores.

Lender scores are almost always some version of a FICO score. There are some lenders which have begun using VantageScore credit scores (a score created by the credit bureaus themselves) in recent years, but FICO is still the most popular lender score in use today by a landslide. Both FICO and VantageScore have released multiple generations of their credit scoring software. Additionally, FICO scores come in many varieties (FICO Mortgage Score, FICO Auto Score, FICO Personal Finance Score, FICO Installment Loan Score, etc.) and each different FICO score variety typically has different versions in use as well. If today you were to pull a copy of your consumer credit scores, have a mortgage loan officer pull your credit scores, and have an auto lender pull your credit score then you have almost a 100% chance of getting a different set of numbers every time. Credit scores can vary pretty wildly depending upon which credit scoring model is being used to calculate them.

Focus On Healthy Credit

If you are feeling frustrated or overwhelmed as you try to keep track with all of the different possible credit scores, you are not alone. Remember the statement above revealing that you have hundreds of credit scores? It would be practically impossible for a consumer to keep track of each one of these scores individually. Instead of spending time and energy focusing on the numbers, it is much better to focus on the health of your credit as a whole.

The fact of the matter is that all credit scores are based upon the same data. Your credit scores are calculated from the information which is contained in your credit reports. (Don't forget, you can get a copy of all 3 of your credit reports, without scores, completely free once a year at If your credit reports show that you routinely make late payments on your accounts, your scores will suffer regardless of who pulls them or which credit scoring model is used to calculate them. If you have clean credit reports with no collections, no late payments, and low credit card balances then all of your many scores will likely be in great shape. You may have hundreds of scores, but you only have 3 credit reports. You may not be able to control your credit scores, but you can absolutely control your credit management habits.  


Michelle Black is an author and a credit expert with nearly 2 decades of experience, the credit blogger at, a recognized credit expert on talk shows and podcasts nationwide, and a regularly featured speaker at seminars on various credit and financial topics. She is an expert on improving credit scores, credit reporting, correcting credit errors, budgeting, and recovering from identity theft.

Expert Credit Advice:


Where Do Credit Scores Come From?


Where Do Credit Scores Come From?

Credit scores can affect your life in many important ways. First, anytime you apply for a mortgage, car loan, credit card, or financing of any kind, your credit score will typically be looked at to determine whether you are approved or denied for your financing application. If you are approved, your credit scores are looked at again to determine the type of interest rate and terms you will be offered. Credit scores are often the #1 factor considered whenever you apply for a loan.

Since credit scores are generally the first key to loan approval, it is important to understand where your credit scores come from and how they are calculated. There are 3 major credit bureaus in the United States: Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian. If a lender were to pull your credit report and score from each of the 3 bureaus, all 3 of those scores would likely be at least a little different.

There is more than one type of credit score available as well. In fact, there are hundreds. Currently, the type of credit score brand which is most commonly used by lenders is the FICO Score (though VantageScore continues to gain ground in the marketplace).

FICO Scores range from 300 - 850 with higher credit scores indicating less credit risk. The following chart shows the basic makeup of how your FICO credit scores are calculated:


Payment History, which considers factors pertaining to how you have managed your credit obligations both currently and in the past, accounts for 35% of your FICO Scores. This category can also be described as "the presence or absence of derogatory information."

If you have a history of making late payments on your financial obligations, your credit score will almost certainly be on the lower end of the spectrum. It may sound crazy, but some late payments could potentially damage your credit scores more than any other factor on a credit report including bankruptcy, foreclosure, or repossession (especially if the late payment is severe, recent, and if the account is currently past due).

Amounts Owed accounts for 30% of your FICO Scores. The primary factor considered within this category is your revolving utilization ratio. FICO's scoring models will consider the amount of credit card debt (aka balances) on your credit report and will compare it to your available credit limits. This higher your debt to limit ratio climbs on your reports, the worse the impact will be upon your scores.

Here is an example of how revolving utilization is calculated. If you have a credit card with a $500 limit and your credit report shows a $500 balance on the account, your utilization ratio is 100%. At 100% utilization your credit scores are practically guaranteed to be impacted negatively. However, keep that same credit card account paid off and your credit scores will almost certainly receive a boost. High credit card balances can significantly lower your credit scores, even if you pay every single monthly payment on time.

Length of Credit History makes up 15% of your FICO Scores. FICO considers the average age of your credit lines as well as the age of your oldest account to determine how many points will be awarded to your credit score for this category.

The older the accounts appearing on your credit reports, the better. Merely opening a new account can potentially lower your credit scores, even if you have never missed a payment on the account – so proceed with caution when applying for new credit. You do not have to be afraid to open new credit; however, you should probably develop the habit of only opening new credit when really necessary.

New Credit makes up 10% of your FICO Scores. One of the primary factors considered within this category is how often you apply for new accounts.  Every time your credit report is pulled as part of an application for financing a record of the pull, known as a "hard inquiry," is added to your credit report(s).

Hard inquiries have the potential to impact your credit scores negatively. However, a “soft inquiry” of your credit report (such as requesting a copy of your own personal credit report) does not hurt your credit score at all.  If you have not reviewed your credit reports in a while, you are entitled to a free copy of all 3 of your reports every 12 months from Checking your reports at least several times a year for errors is highly recommended.

Types of Credit Used accounts for the final 10% of your FICO Scores. To maximize your scores in this category it is important to have the right mixture of account types on your credit reports. FICO rewards consumers who show that they have experience managing a variety of account types (i.e. mortgage accounts, revolving accounts, installment accounts, student loans, etc.). The more diverse the accounts on your credit reports the better your scores will fare.

Have specific questions about your credit reports? Our caring credit experts are here to help. Please contact us via email or call 704-499-9696. We would love to hear from you!

Don't forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter!


Michelle Black is an author and a credit expert with nearly 2 decades of experience, the credit blogger at, a recognized credit expert on talk shows and podcasts nationwide, and a regularly featured speaker at seminars on various credit and financial topics. She is an expert on improving credit scores, credit reporting, correcting credit errors, budgeting, and recovering from identity theft. .


Huge Changes Coming to a Credit Bureau Near You


Huge Changes Coming to a Credit Bureau Near You

Consumers can expect to see major changes in the way that the credit reporting agencies - Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian - handle much of the information on their credit reports and the consumer dispute process in the coming months and years. In fact these changes, brought about as part of a settlement agreement released on March 9, 2015, are so sweeping that they have the potential to lead to higher credit scores for millions of US consumers.  

The settlement came about after New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman and his office began investigating the practices of the 3 credit reporting agencies in 2012. While the neither Equifax, TransUnion, nor Experian were actually found to have violated any laws, the 3 credit reporting giants have agreed to a settlement which will implement a very significant overhaul affecting many different credit reporting and consumer dispute policies.

Additionally, the changes will not merely apply to residents of the state of New York but rather will be implemented for consumers nationwide. Without question the settlement marks the most significant change in credit reporting since the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACTA) amendment to the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) in 2003.  In fact, credit reporting changes of the magnitude included in the settlement agreement generally only come about when mandated by federal law.

The lengthy settlement agreement (a whopping 41 pages long of not-so-light reading) details a massive amount of information regarding the credit reporting practices changes to come. Here are some of the most important highlights.

Time Frame

·        The changes detailed in the agreement will not take place overnight; however, they will be implemented nationwide over the next 6 to 39 months (3.25 years).

Medical Collections

·        According to the agreement unpaid medical collections will not be permitted to be added to a consumer's credit reports for a period of 180 days (approximately 6 months). The change is designed to prevent consumers from having unnecessary derogatory collection accounts added to their credit reports in cases where a medical insurance company is simply dragging its feet to pay a bill - a common occurrence.

·        When a medical collection is paid by an insurance company it must be removed from a consumer's credit reports immediately, regardless of how long it has been there. Previously paid medical collections were permitted to remain on a consumer's credit reports, leading to credit score damage, for 7 years from the date of default on the original account.

More Free Credit Reports for Consumers with Disputes

·        Each credit bureau has also agreed to provide an additional free credit report to consumers who file a dispute using an credit report. Previously, as part of 2003's FACTA, consumers were only entitled to only one from credit report every 12 months via the same website.

Changes to the Dispute Process

·        Perhaps the biggest changes to come about as a result of the settlement are among those involved with the consumer dispute process.

¨      Refusing to Process Disputes - The credit bureaus are no longer permitted to refuse to accept a dispute due to the fact that a consumer has not receive a credit report recently nor for the failure of a consumer to include a credit report identification number with his/her dispute.

¨      Deceased Indicator Changes - When a credit bureau receives a dispute from a consumer than an account on his/her credit report is inaccurately reporting that the consumer is deceased (and the credit bureau's investigation has in fact revealed that the consumer's dispute has merit) the credit bureau must share the information regarding the incorrect "deceased indicator" with the other 2 credit bureaus so that they may remove the indicator as well. (These inaccurate deceased indicators often show up on a consumer's credit reports when they hold a joint account with someone who has passed away.)

¨      Review of Supporting Dispute Documentation Submitted by Consumers - Previously if a consumer filed a dispute with documented proof of a credit reporting inaccuracy the credit bureau would still rely upon the data furnisher (i.e. creditor or collection agency) to review the dispute and determine whether to verify or delete the account. Under the new agreement when a consumer includes documentation to support a dispute and the data furnisher verifies the account as accurate anyway the credit bureau will be required to assign an agent to perform its own investigation, independent of the data furnisher. If the credit bureau agent determines that the consumer's dispute is indeed valid then the agent will have the authority to modify or delete the disputed account.

¨      Escalated Dispute Handling - The credit bureaus will be required to process disputes occurring as a result of fraud, identity theft, and mixed credit files (where the files of 2 consumers are merged into 1) in an escalated manner. Escalated disputes will be handled by specialized groups with experience in these complex dispute situations. 


Michelle Black is leading credit expert with over 13 years of experience, the credit blogger at, a recognized credit expert on talk shows and podcasts nationwide, and  a regularly featured speaker. She is an expert on credit reporting and scoring, budgeting, and identity theft.


Kicking the Habit of Overspending


Kicking the Habit of Overspending

Does the arrival of your monthly credit card bill strike fear into your heart?  Have you ever discovered that your checking account is empty without knowing where your paycheck could have possible gone so quickly?  Do you have more new pairs of shoes in your closet than you can count?  If you answered yes to any of these questions then you may have a problem with overspending.

Overspending is one of the most common causes of poor credit scores and unbalanced budgets.  Of course, typically consumers do not set out to overspend; however, without a solid plan for spending it is easy to find yourself in the uncomfortable situation of having more bills than money over and over again.  When you find yourself short on cash that is when bills get paid late (or not at all) and credit scores begin to slip.

Keep in mind, over-spenders are not bad people!  Our team of credit experts at HOPE4USA has helped many, many people to overcome credit problems, a sizable percentage of whom arrived at those credit problems due to overspending. The good news is that if these clients were able to fix their overspending problems and turn their credit reports back around then it is possible for you to do the same.  Here are a few tips to get you started on kicking the habit of overspending:

1.) Write down every dollar you spend for the next 2 weeks.

Analyzing your spending habits is the first step to help you find out if you have an overspending problem and, if so, how severe the problem has become.  Wives and girlfriends, if you are asking your spouse or boyfriend to track their spending you may want to note that men are typically a little more resistant to doing so. My suggestion? Make it easy for them!  Give him a simple 3X5 card to keep in his wallet. Just ask him to jot down the amount spent and where he spent it if he does not want to save receipts. You will still get the basic information you need this way and he may be more likely to follow through with your request.

2.) Make a spending plan (in writing) and stick to it.

You may be wondering, “What exactly is a spending plan?”  A spending plan is a written list of your monthly income (paycheck, alimony, child support, etc.) and your monthly expenses (rent, utilities, car payment, etc.).  In other words – it is a budget.  You can even CLICK HERE to download a free copy of the HOPE4USA Basic Budgeting Worksheet - no strings attached. The key is to get started. (Note: if you are a current HOPE4USA client you can ask your case manager to review your completed budgeting worksheet offer advice and suggestions. Talk about a great membership perk!)

3.) Trim the fat from your spending plan.

Once you have reviewed your 2 week spending list and completed your budget worksheet, look for areas where spending can be cut.  Now, I’m not talking about sucking all the fun out of your life so be sure to resist the urge to respond negatively to this suggestion.  However, I am suggesting that you make a plan to get the things that you really want out of life (i.e. a new home, a new car, college education for children, family vacations, etc.) by figuring out what you can live without in the present. You may be able to find hundreds of extra dollars per month by reducing cable TV plans, cell phone plans, entertainment expenses, eating out expenses, or shopping.  Don’t be afraid to take an honest look at your spending habits and see if a change can and should be made.


Michelle Black is an author and a credit expert with over a decade of experience, the credit blogger at, a recognized credit expert on talk shows and podcasts nationwide, a contributor to the Wealth Section of Fort Mill Magazine, and  a regularly featured speaker at seminars up and down the East Coast. She is an expert on improving credit scores, credit reporting, correcting credit errors, budgeting, and recovering from identity theft. You can connect with Michelle on the HOPE4USA Facebook page by clicking here. 


5 Steps to Prepare for a New Auto Loan


5 Steps to Prepare for a New Auto Loan

Having good credit is an important goal for every adult to set, but it is never more important for a consumer to have good credit than when he is preparing to make a major purchase - such as a home or a vehicle. If you are planning to apply for a new auto loan in the near future then check out these 5 steps to make sure your credit reports and credit scores are ready before you ever submit your first application.

Step One: Don't Allow Impulse to Drive You.

Give yourself enough time to bring about actionable changes on your credit reports. Buying a car is often very impulsive, certainly more impulsive than purchasing a home. However, deciding to purchase a new vehicle on impulse may be a financial mistake. Trying to purchase a vehicle without making sure your credit is in tip top shape first can result in higher interest rates, less favorable terms, higher monthly payments, and even an outright denial for a loan.

Step Two: Check Your Credit Reports.

Checking credit reports several times a year is an important habit for every consumer to develop. The importance of checking your credit is only compounded further when you are preparing to apply for a loan. Thanks to the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACTA) everyone has the right to a free credit report from each of the 3 credit bureaus every year via Surprisingly, even though the right to access these free reports has been available since 2003, only 4% of the available free reports are claimed annually.

Unfortunately there is currently no law which grants consumers free access to their 3 credit scores. Still, there are several websites online which offer a free or $1 view of all 3 of a consumer's credit scores as part of a trial offer for their credit monitoring services. offers a comparison between several of the most popular credit score offers.

Step Three: Correct Errors.

If you think that credit reporting errors are rare, think again. In fact the Federal Trade Commission conducted a study on credit reporting accuracy in 2013 which concluded that over 40 million mistakes could be found on the credit reports of American consumers. Errors happen, but thankfully you have the right to dispute errors when they occur. Consumers can dispute credit report errors on their own or with the help of a reputable credit repair professional. (CLICK HERE to schedule a no-obligation credit analysis with a HOPE4USA Credit Expert.)

It is worth noting that auto lenders will not be checking all 3 of your credit reports and scores like a mortgage lender would do. However, that does not mean that you should try to take a shortcut and focus on correcting the errors on only 1 of your 3 credit reports. Different auto lenders will use different credit reports in their application processes. In other words, if you apply for a loan with ABC Bank they may pull an Equifax report but if you apply with XYZ Bank they might pull a report from Experian instead. Take a tip from the Boy Scouts and "Be prepared!" so that regardless of which credit report is pulled you will not have to worry about any unpleasant surprises.

Step Four: Take a Long, Hard Look at Your Credit Card Balances.

Arguably the most actionable way for a consumer to see a credit score improvement within a relatively short period of time is to pay down his credit card balances. Credit card balances almost always have a negative credit score impact even when the monthly payments for the accounts are made on time. Believe it or not, a whopping 30% of a consumer's FICO credit scores are based in large part upon the amount of credit card debt he carries. The lower a consumer's credit card balances the better the impact will be upon his credit scores. (CLICK HERE to read The Ideal Credit Card Balance to Optimize Credit Scores.)

Step Five: Choose the Right Lender for Your Credit.

The last step to preparing for your auto loan is picking the right lender for your credit. Consumers with great credit are often best served by applying for financing with a "captive" lender. A captive lender is simply the financing option available through the manufacturer of the vehicle (i.e. Chrysler Financial). Captive lenders often offer financing at very low rates, sometimes even 0%, as an enticement for consumers with pristine credit to purchase their vehicle over a vehicle made by another auto manufacturer.

Consumers with good, but less than perfect credit should consider checking out the financing options available through their local bank or credit union. Finally, remember that it is smart to ask questions and to rate shop before settling on a lender as well. Purchasing a vehicle is one of the most expensive purchases that an average consumer makes. It pays to take the time to prepare for your best possible outcome ahead of time.


Michelle Black is an author and a credit expert with over a decade of experience, the credit blogger at, a recognized credit expert on talk shows and podcasts nationwide, a contributor to the Wealth Section of Fort Mill Magazine, and  a regularly featured speaker at seminars up and down the East Coast. She is an expert on improving credit scores, credit reporting, correcting credit errors, budgeting, and recovering from identity theft. You can connect with Michelle on the HOPE4USA Facebook page by clicking here. 
